What is the credit card number format?
All credit card numbers are divided into 3 parts:
- Issuer Identifier - 6 digits to identify the issuer of the card.
- Acccount Number - 6 to 9 digits to identify the individual account number.
- Check Digit - 1 digit computed as a checksum of the Issuer Identifier and the Account Number based on Luhn algorithm.
For example, credit card number "4417123456789112" consists of:
"441712" - Identifies a Visa partner as the issuer.
"345678911" - Identifies the holder's account number.
"2" - Gives the checksum number.
Expiration Date must be a valid date in the future (use the mmyy format). CVV number can be any 3 digits (ie: 321, 123, etc)
Here are card samples to be used for testing purposes.
Card type Card number
VISA 4005550000000019
American Express 373953244361001
Expiration Date: 1213
Cvv: 123
Address: 123
Zip Code: 12345
Discover 6011485500000150
Expiration Date: 0114
Cvv: 210
Address: 123
Zip Code: 60015
JCB/BCcard/China Union Pay/ DinaCard
JCB 6573590000002414
Expiration Date: 1214
Cvv: 328
Address: 123
Zip Code: 60015